Dear all,

As you may be aware, the management committee at Scoil na Seolta is currently in the process of writing a Development Proposal, proposing that Scoil na Seolta opens as a grant-aided Integrated Irish-medium primary school and nursery school to meet the needs of pupils in the East Belfast area. This would mean that the Scoil would be funded by the Education Authority (EA).

The management committee working with Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta and the Council for Integrated Education is working with the Scoil to expand provision from nursery to primary.

As part of this Development Proposal, the committee has written a Case for Change with support from the Council for Integrated Education and Comhairle na Gaelscoilaíochta. As part of the process before submission, we would like to consult with the Scoil na Seolta community in order to take into account your perspective and views.

We welcome you to access the most recent draft of the Case for Change at the following link and share your views on the following Microsoft Form:

Scoil na Seolta Case for Change

Scoil na Seolta Development Proposal response form

We will gather responses for a four week period, ending on 22nd December 2024.

Many thanks, as always,

Scoil na Seolta management committee